Friday, December 3, 2010


I have always loved the holidays. They are exciting. Something different is bound to happen that is new and can be remembered for years to come. Memories that can be opened up all year long to brighten a day that is not so special or comfort a heart that is hurting.

Holidays have been very different since we brought our three little boys into our family. These days are difficult for them. When we are looking forward to fun as in the past they are sometimes looking back to pain at the holidays or people they miss. We put up the decortations and celebrate the birth of our Savior and hope that the love we have will seep through the cracks in the walls of pain they live behind.
Money is always a worry around Christmas. Yesterday ,while hanging some holly leaves Zachary had colored and cut out, I was beginning to worry about the mighty little dollar and God told me that if I worried about what I don't have I will certainly miss the parts of Christmas that aren't presents under the tree. Of course He is right. So much of what I love about the Season is not for sale. Watching Christmas movies with the family, baking cookies, helping the little ones to make decorations or gifts, driving out to look at the light displays, decorating the house and watching videos of past Christmas celebrations don't require much if any money and are all part of the fabric of the holidays. The trick is to not let what I don't have or can't do get me down but to enjoy the everyday of Christmas. Maybe someone else reading this will be able to add to my list of what there is to enjoy in this season of His birth. I would love hear how others celebrate.
Dianna Momma in the Handbasket

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