Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Retraction and Clairification

I have been informed that my #9 does not apply to my children, only my husband.

Revised #9 If you drive uninsured you will get caught and punished.

#10 If you ever need to come home we will always make room for you.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Things I shouldn't have had to tell you

This post is for my children. It is not a completely original idea see http://heartkeepercommonroom.blogspot.com/.

This is my list of things I don't think I should have had to say to my children:

#1 Dropping kittens from the second floor stairs is not good for the kittens or the van they land on.

#2 Leaning over the washer while sitting on the dryer can get you very wet and scare your mother.

#3 Do not take your three year old brother to play in the bean field even if I said to. That was sarcasm.

#4 Laundry baskets are not cars for riding down a flight of stairs to hit the door at the bottom.

#5 If you get something caught in a tree, having your sister throw a rock at it and while you stand under the same tree is a good way to get a hole in your head but not a good way to get your nunchucks back.

#6 Baby kittens do not like to be carried several at a time in a book bag.

#7 Holding your siblings by their feet over the stairs is not a good way to get them to cooperate with you.

#8 Burying your sister in the playground rocks can result in a doctors visit for removal of said rocks from her ear.

#9 If you speed while driving you will get caught.

#10 If you get arrested you will get out the same way you got in. (But I love you just the same)

Names were withheld because you know who you are.


Monday, March 16, 2009

You are So Beautiful

Just some random photos I came across.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Because Bouquet

This is my tribute to you. Because from the moment the doctor confirmed that you were living in me and suggested I think of "all " my options , my only option was to love you. Because it seems like you have always been with me and I can't think of a tomorrow without you in it. Because out of all my children none are more like me and unlike me at the same moment. Because you are beautiful despite genetics. Because you love even when it is painful and have the scars to prove it. Because you were my first and therefore the amazing guinea pig. Because you always got clearance Christmas crap for your birthday. Because I still depend on you. Because when your Dad used to make me mad or hurt me he would bring me flowers to say he was sorry. So, these are your flowers to say that even when I don't say it very well you are still the one who I don't go a day without thinking of.

Monday, March 2, 2009

They Grow Up So Fast

Jacob turned 21 on March 1st. He was born on a Leap Year and I was glad he waited a day for a new month. As much as we all like giving Jake a hard time we love him . I used to say that I would be surprised if he lived to be 21. I am surprised and very happy.