Wednesday, April 29, 2009

MMV's AMV's & My General Crap. ^,^

I put this on youtube shortly after finishing it, and I've gotten good feedback on it.
*heh* Helf of it it because there weren't a lot of MMV's for the Manga, the other half was because; it's a
decent MMV,and let me you there are some people who just SHOULD NOT make videos ( specifically MMV's and AMV's -,-) AT ALL! Hopefully I am not one of those people ^_^'.
As of now I'm working on two more video's. One is onother MMV, the other is an AMV (anime music video)
I'm also comtemplaiting a few more MMV's >,>
Windows Movie Maker is the program I'm currently using. It's also EVIL!!!!!
Reasons for this:
(MMV glitch) When I'm makeing a MMV it glitch's about every half-hour, depending on if I'm editing clips or using the internet =_=* IT GETS OLD!!!
(AMV glitch) When I'm editing a clip,at any point into the video, and you play it from there it wont be the right part of the song. Because (apparently) it has this check point thingy, yes thingy.
So you have to start the HOLE video over and listen until you get to the part where you where editing, to see if you got it right (This is really annoying if you are trying to lip-synce =_=*
Fortunatly it doesn't do the hole glitch-every-half-hour-crap that it does when making an MMV ^_^*


I know there are mistakes in my video. A few I knew about before I finished it, but i couldn't fix them
without a lot of trouble, or I was jsut being lazy..... i can't remember which anymore lol!
The rest I found later. Oh yeah, I know everyone says this buuuuuuuuuuuuut, Youtube ruined the video quality! -.- At least I got the "high Quality" button ^_^ >_.> =,=
Also some of the "mistakes" aren't "mistakes". You just can't hear it the best on Youtube.......maybe they are......I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE!! T_T
*sighs* Nuff complaining~Scatterbrain =l =/ =p =)
-,- =,= o,o o,- -,o ^-^ ^o^ ^_^ <_<>_>

*smirks* Think he's better look'in then me?
Maid sama! / Dang straight!
Info about MMV is at the end ~Enjoy~


Kurosaki. (Daisy)

Not the same person, not even the same manga, but still
his name is kurosaki, and the fan girls love him lol !


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

In the Basket

It has been kind of crazy here at the Basket lately. We have upped the number of Basket dwellers by four and none of our occupants currently is employed. Five of our number are under ten years of age and five are young adults. Two are just old. This can be cause for some TENSION. But I am glad to report that everyone is intact and relatively sane. Big families are wonderful but they are a lot of work and sacrifice.
When God takes us through difficult times either as discipline or because of our ignorant choices, it is painful. Yesterday in my devotion time I thought this , " We don't ever want to suffer need , even when we need to suffer."
I know all the platitudes about God is with you ..footprints in the sand and all that but in truth you still have to go through it. What I tend to do in times like these is worry. But it came to me this time of difficulty that worry is dishonoring to God. Read Jeremiah 29:11,12 If I believe He is bigger than my "issues" then I must believe that I am walking under His protection and it is not trusting to worry. So, when I feel worry creeping up my back I say to the Lord of Hosts "Hey, can you take care of that?"
Good news yesterday He provided Don with the job we were hoping for. He will be working in HVAC maintenance at the local junior college. There are many benefits to this job but more pay is not one of them. So, once again I am trusting God to carry me in my concern about making ends meet . I am so thankful for the opportunity Don is getting with this job. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009