Wednesday, April 29, 2009

MMV's AMV's & My General Crap. ^,^

I put this on youtube shortly after finishing it, and I've gotten good feedback on it.
*heh* Helf of it it because there weren't a lot of MMV's for the Manga, the other half was because; it's a
decent MMV,and let me you there are some people who just SHOULD NOT make videos ( specifically MMV's and AMV's -,-) AT ALL! Hopefully I am not one of those people ^_^'.
As of now I'm working on two more video's. One is onother MMV, the other is an AMV (anime music video)
I'm also comtemplaiting a few more MMV's >,>
Windows Movie Maker is the program I'm currently using. It's also EVIL!!!!!
Reasons for this:
(MMV glitch) When I'm makeing a MMV it glitch's about every half-hour, depending on if I'm editing clips or using the internet =_=* IT GETS OLD!!!
(AMV glitch) When I'm editing a clip,at any point into the video, and you play it from there it wont be the right part of the song. Because (apparently) it has this check point thingy, yes thingy.
So you have to start the HOLE video over and listen until you get to the part where you where editing, to see if you got it right (This is really annoying if you are trying to lip-synce =_=*
Fortunatly it doesn't do the hole glitch-every-half-hour-crap that it does when making an MMV ^_^*


I know there are mistakes in my video. A few I knew about before I finished it, but i couldn't fix them
without a lot of trouble, or I was jsut being lazy..... i can't remember which anymore lol!
The rest I found later. Oh yeah, I know everyone says this buuuuuuuuuuuuut, Youtube ruined the video quality! -.- At least I got the "high Quality" button ^_^ >_.> =,=
Also some of the "mistakes" aren't "mistakes". You just can't hear it the best on Youtube.......maybe they are......I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE!! T_T
*sighs* Nuff complaining~Scatterbrain =l =/ =p =)
-,- =,= o,o o,- -,o ^-^ ^o^ ^_^ <_<>_>

*smirks* Think he's better look'in then me?
Maid sama! / Dang straight!
Info about MMV is at the end ~Enjoy~


Kurosaki. (Daisy)

Not the same person, not even the same manga, but still
his name is kurosaki, and the fan girls love him lol !



Fritzie said...

I may not understand you, but I love you.

Weirdo =-p

MorgaMnM said...

Hay a nice comment! 8)
thanks! =p