Thursday, March 26, 2009

Things I shouldn't have had to tell you

This post is for my children. It is not a completely original idea see

This is my list of things I don't think I should have had to say to my children:

#1 Dropping kittens from the second floor stairs is not good for the kittens or the van they land on.

#2 Leaning over the washer while sitting on the dryer can get you very wet and scare your mother.

#3 Do not take your three year old brother to play in the bean field even if I said to. That was sarcasm.

#4 Laundry baskets are not cars for riding down a flight of stairs to hit the door at the bottom.

#5 If you get something caught in a tree, having your sister throw a rock at it and while you stand under the same tree is a good way to get a hole in your head but not a good way to get your nunchucks back.

#6 Baby kittens do not like to be carried several at a time in a book bag.

#7 Holding your siblings by their feet over the stairs is not a good way to get them to cooperate with you.

#8 Burying your sister in the playground rocks can result in a doctors visit for removal of said rocks from her ear.

#9 If you speed while driving you will get caught.

#10 If you get arrested you will get out the same way you got in. (But I love you just the same)

Names were withheld because you know who you are.



Britt said...

#1 - to test the theory that a cat always lands on it's feet .. it was an experiment. Just be thankful we didn't use Morgan as our control study.

#2 - but it gave you a very good object lesson on how everyone makes mistakes. lol

#3 - Jake always was a bit slow on the uptake...

#4 - We knew they weren't cars .. more like hover crafts, or rockets!

#5 - Key words here would be "having your sister" .. This shows tremendous amounts of character. Because I did it out of compassion for their plight .. and restrained from chucking rocks at their heads many other times.

#7 - I beg to differ .. she listened quite well after that.

#9 - Wait .. which sibling got a speeding ticket? Jake's never had one, I've never had one .. I can only think of dad, actually.. lol

The Family said...

ok so what did Jake lose his license for? Whatever it was that was my example. lol