Monday, July 26, 2010

Some Projects Done

These are one of the two sets I knitted for KayLynn and Vivi at Easter time. Hoping to make some more of these. They were fast and fun to do. I loved the way the colors looked together. Here is a fabric rug crocheted in an oval shape..well, duh. I tore fabric (old sheets mostly) into strips and connected them as I crocheted. I love the rugs. I hate that the dust almost always gives me an allergy attack.
These are knitted wash cloths. They were done on size 10 needles with cotton yarn purchased at my local Wal-Mart. Nothing is too good for my family. lol

I don't spend much time doing this craft but i really like what I have when I finish a project. This is the embroidery that decorates a blanket I made for the Potter children. It was fun matching the characters to the people they represent. I think that littlest girl looks so much like Vivi.

Ezra's birth gave me an excellent reason to try the knitting pattern for these pants and sweater. I made them out of Lion Brand Recycled cotton yarn.

Knitting and crochet are great stress reliever and give me something to look forward to in my free time. And as a shirt I saw recently said " I knit so I don't kill people"


Jessica W. said...

Omy goodness. These are amazing. I love knitting and crocheting.. I'm not good at it.. But I try.. haha. I'm 14, I don't know anyone my age who knits. But ah its okay! ;D How did you learn to do these things? They are awesome :)
Hope you have a wonderful day...

The Family said...

thanks Jessica...i just learned over time...i have been knitting for 5 years and crocheting for 11 years...ravelry is a good place to start looking for partterns and other knitters..i am diannalynn67 there if you join and want to add me as a friend...i am also on FaceBook..hope you have a great day..

Unknown said...

How do I find you on facebook? Sorry I'm not that great with these things.. haha.. I don't know what diannalynn67 is for? lol.. Yea.. But thanks!