Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer 2010

I spend a lot more time posting to Face Book than to this blog, but the Handbasket is more for the lengthy thoughts I don't have as much time to compile. In other words I seem to think in short bursts lately. Some of you will not be surprised by this. You are the ones who ask me difficult questions and watch as my eyes glaze over and my brow furrows. God bless you for waiting out an answer.

Some of you know that our little boyz have behavioral problems that make their progress through life difficult for them and all of us who love them. So, they are spending the summer overcoming some of the worst issues. We all have issues ...Right...I mean can I get an Amen. Sometimes when I am wrestling with a problem one of them is having God gently reminds me how far I have to go as a human being Child of God. He lays His hand on my shoulder and whispers in my ear..."Remember when you did that very same thing last week...I saw you ...and I love them like I love you...that is ALL I ask of you.." So, I eat a little Humble Pie and try to look at the 'difficulty' in a different light.
What God is showing me now for them and me is that what He wants from me most of all is to Love these children and keep them safe with boundaries. Don't get me wrong . This is the hardest job I have ever had to do. It takes more thought and prayer than anything else in my life including my marriage and we all know how hard those can be. But He has told me this is what he wants right now. And there is peace in believing that and holding on to the One Who knows it all.
If you are struggling right now I urge you to read a Bible and pray. He really does have an answer for you and it is always right.
Dianna the Momma of the Handbasket


Anonymous said...

I love you mom. Do you know what kind of gift YOU are from god? an amazing one. Im so glad i had that ~little~ talk with you before britt and started our lives together. That was a late night. I love you and dad so much! kelly

Dr. Purple said...

You should write more. This helped me think through some stuff. Godspeed, A.