Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Ride

After a year of being car less, I am the owner of a 1996 Roadmaster Wagon!!
I am so thankful for this car. I am thankful for my husband who knew how much I needed transportation. It is a perk of the job of wife and mother. I could live without it but my job is so much easier with a vehicle. I needed something to haul kids, dogs and groceries comfortably . This car is just the ticket...oh maybe that wasn't the best choice of words.
My first trip in the Wagon was to Iowa to see the Potter family. Driving is so much fun in this car driving from a recliner.. God is good and absolutely dependable in meeting our needs...sometimes even our wants...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, there is the pic of your swagger wagon. I remember you posting that you were looking for one. It did not take you long to get it after that.
